What is subjective evaluation?

Our platform measures student progress through the course and towards their goal using a variety of tools. This can be considered the most objective evaluation possible.

However, both teachers and students may have their own points of view on the effectiveness of the learning process, as there are many factors at play that our platform cannot measure efficiently. That’s why we’ve created the subjective evaluation questionnaire. With it, we can confirm the platform’s calculations and find out the opinions of our students and teachers.

What does the questionnaire contain?

With this questionnaire, we’re asking students and teachers what they think about the student’s progress towards their goal, not their desired level. We’re focusing on the current goal of the student, as indicated in their profile.

Both teacher and student are meant to take this questionnaire on their own, without seeing each other’s answers or discussing them. The student can do it on the Results Page once the teacher leaves the classroom, while the teacher can do it from the home page of their personal account once they leave the classroom.

The platform collects answers and, if necessary, suggests tools that can help make progress faster and more efficient. For instance, if opinions on the progress differ or if both see the student not making any progress towards their goal, the platform will suggest adding a Progress Check lesson to the personal track and schedule it for one of the upcoming lessons. 

How frequent is this questionnaire?

The questionnaire will be offered after the fourth and eighth lessons, and every eight lessons afterwards, until the goal is met. This frequency is based on the following logic:

  • it’s important to compare expectations and impressions of teachers and students at the very start of the course, that’s why we chose the fourth lesson;
  • it’s important to compare expectations and impressions of teachers and students after a major topic (or once a unit is complete), that’s why we made it every eight lessons, since this is the average unit length.

After the option “Student reached their goal/Goal reached” is selected, we’ll suggest setting a new goal for the student.

If you haven’t completed the questionnaire immediately after the fourth or eighth lesson (12th, 16th and so on), it will reappear after the fifth or ninth (13th, 17th, etc.). If you haven’t completed the questionnaire after these reminders, it will reappear after eight lessons.

Subjective evaluation questionnaire for students

Unnamed (1)

Subjective evaluation questionnaire for teachers


Do note that the subjective evaluation questionnaire at the end of the lesson has higher priority than the platform feedback questionnaire. In other words, this means that if a subjective evaluation widget appears after a lesson, the platform feedback can only be given after the next lesson. If your issue simply cannot wait, you should contact Tech Support directly and leave feedback with them. 


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