Ending your cooperation with the school

We deeply regret parting with any of our teachers. We appreciate every professional who collaborates with us and strive to find solutions to continue our cooperation in every specific case.

If you are considering ending your cooperation with the school, please reach out to us through the Teachers Care chat in your personal account. We will inform you about all possible options and provide the support you need.

In critical situations, we may offer the following options:

  1. Long break of up to 90 days: To request this, please write to the Teachers Care chat in your personal account and specify the dates and reason for your break.

  2. Continuing cooperation with reduced load: You can, with the school’s agreement, continue working with a load below the minimum by retaining at least one student at a convenient time. [Instructions on how to decline students]. Please note that continuing with a reduced load is possible for a maximum of three months.

If either of these options might suit your needs, please fill out the form.

If the previous options do not suit you and you still wish to end the cooperation, please follow these steps:

  • Notify the school: Inform us at least 14 days in advance by writing to the Teachers Care chat. The date of contact in the chat will be considered the date of notice. This advance notice helps us reassign your students to new teachers in a timely manner.

  • Inform your students: Please notify your students about the end of your cooperation.

  • Reject students in your personal account: If you have upcoming lessons and cannot teach them, reject the students in your personal account to prevent any missed lessons.

Please note that your payment date remains unchanged. You will receive your payment according to the scheduled plan, not on the last day of cooperation.

If you decide to return in the future, please notify us at teachers.care@skyeng.ru. Within one year after terminating cooperation, you can reinstate your position through a simplified process—without a second interview or adaptation, provided that teacher admissions are open.

Thank you for choosing to teach at our school! We truly value your cooperation and hope to keep you as part of our team.


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