Content Times 20.05.2024

New lessons have appeared in the Junior Groups NEW courses at the Beginner and Elementary levels!

The Beginner level has been enriched with six new lessons.

  • Amazing body. In this lesson, your students will learn to talk about their abilities using the modal verb «can».
  • What do you like? This lesson is dedicated to students' preference discussion, your students  will learn which verb forms are used after “like/love/hate”.
  • An activity to choose. In this lesson, your students will learn how to choose the best hobby, as well as get acquainted with phrases that will help them talk about their skills and preferences.
  • Revision 6 + test. In this lesson, your students will revise the material of the entire unit.
  • Animals of the world. In the first lesson of the new unit, your students will get to know the names of some animals.

At the Elementary level, one new lesson has appeared.

  • Telling stories. In this lesson, your students will learn to make stories based on three pictures, as well as use various connectors and linking devices.

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