How to install Zoom

If you're having issues with the platform or the audio and video in class isn't working, keep in touch with your students via Zoom.

How to install Zoom?

  • Go to Zoom website. Click to “Sign up, It’s Free” button.


  • Fill in the information on your birth day to complete verification. Click “Continue” button.


  • Create an account, fill in you email adress.


  • You’ll get an activation Email to the adress you typed.


  • Press “Activate account” in the letter in your mail box.


  • After pressing this button you’ll be sent back to Zoom. Fill in your personal information
  • Now you are in Zoom! You can start your test meeting and see how Zoom works.


  • Here you can find Zoom instructions if necessary.
  • Download Zoom Desktop version for your convenience here. Install it to your computer.


  • Now you’ll have Zoom App installed on your computer. With the buttons: Start new conference (orange button), Sign in (button on the right), Plan (button below with a calenar) and Demonstating Screen (button below on the right)


  • Cool! You are wonderful!

How to conduct lessons?

First of all, try Zoom conference tools before your first lesson there. The most useful tools are:

  1. screen sharing (with audio sharing) - you can also allow screen sharing to your students;
  2. commenting (also students’ commenting and drawing);
  3. conference recording

Main rules of conducting lessons in Zoom

 ✅ If the platform works, the lesson starts, the content is displayed, and the only thing that does not work is audio and video, then:

  1. We launch a lesson on the platform and send a link to the lesson to the student.
  2. We start a meeting in Zoom and send a link to the meeting to our student.
  3. We conduct a lesson on the platform (as usual, we switch content and work with cards and a student), keeping in mind that we have video and audio going to Google Meet.
  4. We can, if necessary, use the screen sharing, and also ask the student to switch to the meeting tab for communication and discussion (especially relevant at the beginning and end of the lesson)

✅ If suddenly the lesson on the platform does not start, but your personal account works and displays the catalog of lessons, and the lesson is not displayed in the student's personal account:

  1. We start a meeting in Zoom. We send a link to connect to the student.
  2. We start the screen sharing, select the platform content broadcast (lesson from the catalog)
  3. We go through the materials of the lesson (the student works with a screen demonstration), you can use Zoom “Commenting” tool.
  4. Important: when you show content from the Lesson Catalog (card view), when hovering over the interactive tasks, the student will see the displayed correct answer to it. It is important to take this into account.

 ✅ If it is technically impossible to even download the content of the lesson and the catalog of lessons:

We save the lesson and conduct it based on materials from our libraries or on our own materials (if relevant). We also use Google Meet, screen sharing and useful functionality. The possible materials are below:

Materials in case platform is out of order

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